Two minutes for stupidity: embarrassing sports fans is currently featuring a series exploring sports fans. 

From streakers to failed marriage proposals to celebrities making fools of themselves…

There are many ways for fans to embarrass themselves and entertain everyone else. And then there was the Steve Bartman incident.

Read also: Cost of sports fandom around the world

Embarrassing sports fans come in many shapes and sizes. Here are some of our favourites:

Domi fights a dummy

The pit sniffer (watch the background)

The missed kiss

Show him the money!

Sacked by a linebacker

Worst boyfriend ever

You have something on your face

Yikes Spike!

Throwing back history

Read alsoHome field advantage: legendary crowds in sports

Not his blueshirt bride

Roger! Over and out

The kiss cam breakup

Running at race cars

The curse continues

The fan man

Stripping, slipping and falling

Are there any that are missing that you think should be on this list? Connect with us on Twitter @CDNOlympicTeam.